我很幸运能登上Ed Force One参加铁娘子的《BG大游集团》世界巡演, 从下载节开始,到奥斯陆花园结束.

On Tour with 铁娘子

我很幸运能登上Ed Force One参加铁娘子的《BG大游集团》世界巡演, 从下载节开始,到奥斯陆花园结束.

一个下着毛毛雨的周日早晨,我和一些参与了这个项目的包机服务公司的客户经理一起到达了东米德兰兹机场. Here we met up with Nicky, another ACS account manager, 到目前为止,他几乎每一站都在埃德·福斯一号上. 在拿了我们的空侧通行证后,我们向飞机本身走去, 和 what a beast it is. 一个巨大的庞然大物,黄色的楼梯压在它的侧面,相比之下显得很小. 近距离, it was just as imposing from afar, 这些贴花在机身和机尾的衬托下显得格外醒目, with Eddie snarling down at you. 一旦进入, I met with the Loadmaster, 杰里米, 是谁在帮忙协调把多余的货物运出飞机, 和 who has been on touring with 铁娘子, 和其他人, for the past 20 years. 有一次,我们从头顶的储物柜和厨房里搜出了所有多余的东西, 我们把它装上随身携带的运输货车,住进酒店,短暂地梳洗一下. 在这一点上,我发现有一个备用的铁娘子招待通行证下载节, 这样我就能去参加电影节了, 在招待区放松一下,观看铁娘子的表演.

Of course I jumped at the chance, 尽管, having seen the news before I left, I knew that Download was particularly muddy this year. 但即便如此,我也没有为主要赛段周围的状况做好准备. 在几分钟内, 我的运动鞋上全是泥,因为是高帮鞋,我的脚才不会干. 在最初的一个小时左右,我们混在VIP接待区, 享受几杯饮料和检查骑兵赞助的奥古斯塔MV, used in this year’s Isle of Man TT. We also sampled some of the complimentary catering, offering hot dogs, 咖喱和奶酪通心粉都装在小外卖盒里. 很快,是时候涉水走到主舞台,为头条人物表演了, 铁娘子, 在哪里 we joined in singing 和 dancing, 以及复制《bg视讯官网app下载》中现在标志性的“像猴子一样攀爬”动作, a song from their latest album, The Book of Souls. After enjoying an aftershow bacon butty 和 drink, we made our way to the exit, 在哪里, after a bit of a walk, we picked up a cab to take us back to the hotel. 就我而言,睡觉前我先把鞋冲干净.

The next day was the day of the flight. From East Midl和s Airport to Oslo, this was the second to last leg of the flight, 和 only a short hop of around an hour 和 a half. After breakfast, 我们前往主航站楼,在那里为客人办理登机手续, 和 to the area we would also be receiving the VIPs. 然后我收到我的登机牌,并出发乘坐CC666航班. 一旦上船, I found my seat, resplendent with Ed Force One headrest cover, 在Ed Force One的空乘人员在我周围忙忙碌碌的时候,我坐了下来. 很快,布鲁斯悦耳的声音从广播中传来,欢迎、通知并讲起了这个奇怪的笑话. 我们通过了安全演示,向后推,然后离开了. 一到空中,气氛就明显不像飞机了. Usual etiquette, 被扔到一边,人们在船舱里自由活动, 聊天, laughing 和 joking. 餐点被分发,饮料被点单,但临时点了几桶品客薯片或一个厚脸皮的G&T were the order of the day. After a few chats with those sat around me, including Killer Krew members, 很明显,这些家伙是一个大家庭. 在整个飞机上,你可以看到墙上的小照片拼贴画, with pictures of loved ones back home, or places they’ve visited. In many ways it looks 和 feels like a st和ard plane, but these quirky touches, 再加上墙上装饰的Ed Force One和铁娘子的贴纸,让它看起来更像一个飞行的酒店,而不仅仅是一架飞机.

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